v2.0 δ | Reefscape - Pre-Competition Update
This version of the site is δ (v2.0.0), released during the FIRST DIVE season and the Reefscape game (2025).
Who We Are
We are the vision subteam from FRC team 3656,
the Dexter Dreadbots .
Over time, new members will replace our old writers, and we plan on keeping this
wiki up to date for as long as we still exist. We are always open to pull requests on
our Github
in case you would like to add an article.
Bolded names are project leaders for that year.
v2.1 ε | Reefscape - Post-Season Update | Apr 20, 2025
- Examples and GIFs
- Raspberry Pi Guide
- PnP Localization
- ChAruCo Calibration
- Installation Guides
- Network Tables
- Luke Baur
- Fynn Nielsen
- Join this list by
contributing an article!
v2.0 δ | Reefscape - Pre-Competition Update | Feb 1, 2025
- Page Authors
- Contributing
- Color Detection
- AprilTags
- OpenCV
- Luke Baur
- Fynn Nielsen
v1.0 ɣ | Crescendo Update | May 1, 2024
- Driver Camera Implementation
- Basic Trig
- Linear Algebra
- Cameras
- Calvin C Ophoff
- Luke Baur
- Fynn Nielsen
- Arman Buyukbozkirlii
All Contributors
- Luke Baur
- Fynn Nielsen
- Calvin C Ophoff
- Luke Baur
- Fynn Nielsen
- Arman Buyukbozkirlii
- Cole Scheller (2022)
- Calvin C Ophoff
- Josh Fernandez (2022)
- Rose Dray
How to Contribute
If you would like to contribute to The Green Alliance and add an article, please open an issue on the Github , if one does not already exist for such an article. This way, you can communicate and collaborate with others while the article is in progress. If you would like to make an edit to an article, you can simply create a pull request with the change. Please remember that the Dreadbots have the final say for what goes on the site, but any and all relevant topics and contributions are welcome.
How to Make Edits
The Green Alliance is powered by Retype , so please read their documentation to understand how it works. You can clone the repository and make local changes using retype, and after making your edits, open a pull request on the Github . If you are an author of a page, please make sure the page is configured as such (If you would like to be credited).
Standardized Rules and Guidelines
Before writing an article, please make sure you are adhering to the following rules and guidelines.
The Green Alliance is about vision for FIRST Robotics , so all articles on The Green Alliance must be at least tangentially related to computer vision in a FIRST setting.
Please try to stick to the format and styling seen on the site (Ex. All external links have this icon: , as well as open in a new tab). This will be edited when a page is added to the site, but it makes our job much easier.
Please remember that everything that goes on this site is available to anyone. We will not make any pages exclusive in any way, or block any team from contributing. There is no "wrong solution" when it comes to vision, so anything goes.
While there are systems (such as Limelight or PhotonVision) that do vision in FIRST, they have their own documentation and support and as such do not belong here. The Green Alliance is for people to learn and implement their own computer vision systems, and for teams to share and learn from eachothers vision solutions.